PM Pediatric Care Logo

You’re here for answers. We’re here to help.

Hi, I’m Dr. Christina Johns, a pediatric emergency physician and Senior Medical Advisor at PM Pediatric Care. In addition to caring for patients, I personally write and/or select the content from my fellow PM Pediatric Care colleagues that appears here, ensuring you have the important resources needed to help keep your family healthy, happy, and thriving.

Happy reading!

dr. christina johns standing inside a pm pediatric urgent care office.
Illness Prevention & Management

Back to School Survival Guide for Parents  

Another Summer come and gone! With the arrival of September and Labor Day in the rearview mirror, many families have shifted their focus back to academics, routines, and shorter days...

Published on September 7, 2024
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Illness Prevention & Management

Big News from the Peanut Allergy Gallery

So a big “wow” on the peanut allergy news, huh?  Major league “about face.”  Happens every now and again in medicine.  We’re a “keep on learning” kind of crew, and...
Published on January 5, 2017
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Illness Prevention & Management

What to Watch in 2017

When thinking about my first blog post of the year I decided early on that I wasn’t going to do any clichéd bit on New Year’s Resolutions, a list of...
Published on January 2, 2017
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Illness Prevention & Management

I Wanna Be Sedated

“Will she be asleep for this?” I get this question a lot when I’m talking with parents about office medical procedures for their children.  No one likes to be or...
Published on December 19, 2016
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Illness Prevention & Management

Treating Children in the Urgent Care Setting

as featured in Smart Parenting • By Smarter Admin• December 12, 2016 • Guest Blog Posts Anyone who likes going to urgent care or the emergency department, raise your hand! Anyone? No...
Published on December 16, 2016
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Illness Prevention & Management

Surgeon General Slams E-cigs

I don’t know where you stand on this, but I’ve gotten to the point where I not only can’t be near those who are actively smoking cigarettes, I can’t even...
Published on December 12, 2016
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Illness Prevention & Management

Kids Play Sports with HEART!

Kids’ basketball season is upon us, where nailbiting final scores of 18-14 can be seen everywhere. (ahahahahahahaha- I couldn’t help myself!)  We all might giggle a bit about the tremendous...
Published on December 5, 2016
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Illness Prevention & Management

Controlla, controlla

You know what?  There are a lot of different respiratory medicines around—seems like a lot of people have trouble breathing.  And I’m not really talking about coughing; mostly I’m talking...
Published on November 28, 2016
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Anemia: Ironing Out the Details

“I think he’s anemic.” (SAID CONFIDENTLY BY A PARENT RECENTLY) “What do you mean?” (ME) “He has no energy” (REASONABLE CONCERN, BUT NOT AUTOMATICALLY ANEMIA RELATED) Anemia seems to be...
Published on November 21, 2016
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