PM Pediatric Care Logo

You’re here for answers. We’re here to help.

Hi, I’m Dr. Christina Johns, a pediatric emergency physician and Senior Medical Advisor at PM Pediatric Care. In addition to caring for patients, I personally write and/or select the content from my fellow PM Pediatric Care colleagues that appears here, ensuring you have the important resources needed to help keep your family healthy, happy, and thriving.

Happy reading!

dr. christina johns standing inside a pm pediatric urgent care office.
Illness Prevention & Management

Back to School Survival Guide for Parents  

Another Summer come and gone! With the arrival of September and Labor Day in the rearview mirror, many families have shifted their focus back to academics, routines, and shorter days...

Published on September 7, 2024
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Illness Prevention & Management

The Diagnosis of Exclusion

One parenting phrase I sometimes hear is “you’re only as happy as your unhappiest child.” While I know that the intent of the statement is in regard to emotional/psychological health,...
Published on June 13, 2019
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Illness Prevention & Management

A Few Medical Surprises: Volume II

I know I’ve said this before, but the human body does some unusual things. It’s all cool science and yet some of it is super weird and isn’t for the...
Published on May 30, 2019
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Illness Prevention & Management

The Therapeutic Car Ride to the Doctor

Scene: 10:40pm on any given night, in a clinical exam room near you. Markedly well appearing child, playful and active. Clearly getting the proverbial “second wind.” Parents exhausted. Parent: “This...
Published on May 13, 2019
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Illness Prevention & Management

My Ear Hurts!

I am not a fancy ORL doctor, as you know. My brother AND my dad are. The truly fancy name for ear, nose, and throat doctors is otorhinolaryngologist, frequently shortened...
Published on April 25, 2019
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Illness Prevention & Management

The Mystery of the Medical Conference

My dad used to travel a lot for work and go to many academic medical conferences. I always wondered what he did all day. At the time it seemed like...
Published on April 12, 2019
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Illness Prevention & Management

Why the Electronic Health Record is Awesome

If you had to give yourself a grade for being “tech-savvy,” what would you give yourself? If I’m being honest, I’d probably score a very average grade; so either a...
Published on March 28, 2019
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Illness Prevention & Management

Picking a Pediatrician

Questions to ask when looking for a pediatrician, by parents and for parents (Courtesy of the online Dear Dr. Christina community) The last time I chimed in on the topic...
Published on January 24, 2019
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