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Spring is in the Air

Aside from birds chirping, warm weather, and flowers blooming, another great thing about Spring is that it’s an early reminder that summer break is just around the corner. We persevered and made it through the winter but there is so much more work to do. We also know that with Spring comes the stress and pressure associated with standardized testing and other end of the year obligations. Both students and teachers can become overwhelmed and experience burnout during this time of the school year, so it is important to prioritize mental wellness. Below are some stress -management strategies to help you, offered by our team of PM Behavioral Health experts.

Great Ways to Support Staff Through Tough Times

Tips for Staff Self-Care

Stress Management Strategies to Pass on to Students

Classroom Tip of the Month

Set up an anonymous Worry Box and encourage students to write and submit concerns and sources of stress. Writing out the things that bother us and putting them in a safe place away from our person may lessen the load of those worries in our mind. Assure participants that all contents of the box will remain private. This activity gives everyone a chance to vent in a healthy way and builds community – seeing other people writing about their worries helps us realize that we are all in this struggle together. Professional leaders can also modify this initiative for use with staff!

Resource Corner

5 Ways Administrators Can Support Teachers (Edutopia)
Five Stress Management Ideas for Teachers (Teacher Career Coach)
Top 10 Stress Management Techniques for Students (VeryWellMind)

PM School Health partners with schools to offer mental health and acute care for students, as well as health education for educators, staff, and parents. Our team includes licensed, board-certified physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, social workers, therapists, psychologists, and child/adolescent psychiatrists. 

PM School Health releases a quarterly newsletter with information and resources for our PM School Health partners.

Click here to learn more about our School Health program.

For more information on PM school health contact us at: 516-738-5600 or