Summer Games Done Quick
Hi guys, Marty here! I’m one of the IT professionals at PM Pediatrics.
In Dr. Christina’s Marty the IT Guy series, I write on topics relating to technology & gaming. Specifically, how they relate and cross paths with parenting today.

Today, however, I wanted to spotlight something a bit more time sensitive for a good cause. It’s bit of an annual tradition my own children and I have come to look forward to donating towards and spectating every year.

Summer Games Done Quick will be running once again soon, from July 2
th. The event is a production of Speed Demos Archive, whose semiannual series raises money for charity. Summer Games Done Quick’s philanthropy benefits Doctors Without Borders and
raised almost $1.3 million last year. 2016’s Awesome Games Done Quick
raised $2.2 million for the Prevent Cancer Foundation.
This year’s
full schedule was just recently posted, and I think it’d be a fun event to watch. If you’ve never gotten to beat your favorite classic game from the past or just want to see
some of the best gamers in the world make short work of AAA titles, it’s definitely worth a peek.
Watch it with your kids*, and donate to a wonderful cause!
*Each player’s commentary is PG – content per game varies