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First Aid Kit Must-Haves According to A Pediatric Emergency Physician

While the mini-van-driving, juice-box-toting, cooler-packing soccer mom stereotype is the target of many jokes, you can’t deny that parents of active children are spectacular at being prepared for anything their little leaguers and tiny dancers may punt their way. My own training as a physician (and mistakes as a mom) have taught me that it’s smart to have a basic first-aid kit stashed in the trunk and some Band-Aids tucked in a purse pocket. However, if you really want to be ready for all emergencies, here is a list of items that I, a pediatric emergency physician, would include in a portable first aid bag. It’s not small, but this stuff is in my trunk and I. AM. READY. 

Wounds, cuts, and scrapes are always around the corner:

Bump it, hit it, sprain it, twist it:

The environment isn’t always our friend: